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rare night

this is one in a millionth night that i returned so early to my toom and have nothing to do now (except to catch up on tutorials and lectures that ive missed of course) it has been really super busy. and my courseworks seems to be undone.

it should be time for me to rest and relax. strangely but surely im feeling lonely right now.

and i realised that i had neglected many of my friends these last few weeks. im sorry. i know im wrong.

im exhausted and tired. im lost and confused. i feel stupid, i feel like im not myself. i really dont like it this way.

to make things worse. bedbugs.

"In most observed cases a small, hard, swollen, white welt may develop at the site of each bedbug bite. This is often surrounded by a slightly raised red bump and is usually accompanied by severe itching that lasts for several hours to days. Welts do not have a red spot in the center such as is characteristic of flea bites. In other cases, it is observed that welts first appear upon the incessant scratching that is triggered by the bite, and seem like a mosquito bite that increases in size upon scratching. Later, however, the welts subside but tend not to disappear like those from mosquitos, and persist for up to several weeks. This usually depends on the person's skin type, environment and the species of bug."

i have welts from head to toe that is as big as a basketball. cant resist the itch and urge to scratch. ):

but dont worry
"Bedbugs seem to possess all of the necessary prerequisites for being capable of passing diseases from one host to another, but there have been no known cases of bed bugs passing disease from host to host."

ITCHY ITCHY!!! DAMN ITCHY... T.T right now actually i want to play the mrt game, slap me all over the place. i need the pain to remove my itch. WHO WANT TO PLAY MRT GAMEEEE..

it will only be me who will suffer for the next few days. help me.

anyone wanna pei me..

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