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yesterday was quite a fun and adrenaline pumping day.

went back to nj to collect my SGC, but obviously thats just a reason i gave to the security guard so i can come in and visit my juniors! (: hehe.. has been so so so long since the last time i went back! haha, ty went to pick me at the general office and brought me around school (: hehe, thankkksss (: aft all the events and talkings we went to curry wok to eat! haha, it has been aeons since i last ate there.

hope i can go back more often. must find alot reasons to go back if not the security guard wont let me in XD hahahaha..

then, went to NAFA for the big day. haha, ICN 2008, merah putih - kembali ke hatimu

the event was a success, all the hard work put in had paid off! haha, for myself though, was quite disappointed with myself :\ could have done much better. gotta learn more. cold feet. felt that the rehearsal is much better. hope i didnt bring down the rest.

but anyway, love the team! xquizid we own (:

in the lift, going to the stage!

dressing room

nice lighting. effects.

well, whats done its done, i wanna thank everyone in the team for all that happens for this last few weeks, crazy long practices, all the talk cocks and jokes and the xquizid lifestyle XD the fact that its over means we wont see each other that often anymore, ill miss all of you (':

and now, back to the crazily hecting mugger lifestyle T.T i have another one hour to waste my time online before i go to study. i must make good use of this precious 1 hour. (:

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