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chicken or egg?

which one comes first? chicken or egg?

creationism: chicken
intelligent design/evolution: egg (that comes from another species mutated)
day 1= 0 (egg)
day 2= 0 (egg)
day 3= 1 (chick)
day 4= 5 (chicken)
day 5= 0 (egg)

so egg comes first. okay nvm, LAME, im just pissed off cos i got another egg. but luckily the main shop sold 2 today, so i can report that 2 sets are sold and i wont get scolded too badly. haha.

but if u really wanna read more, go here

haha, muttons are very funny today. lemme recall their jokes here.

Theres a professor sitting beside a blonde in a plane ride. the professor decided to play a game with her, if she can't ans his qn, she must pay him $5, and if he cant ans his qns, he must give her $100. the blonde simply agreed.

the professor starts with the qn, how far is the moon from the earth, the blonde just give him a $5. the blonde ask the next qn, what goes up the mountain with 3 legs, and goes down with 4? after hours of thinking, the professor finally gives up and give her $100. curious, he asks, so what is the answer?

and the blonde gave him another $5.

OHH, i cant rmb anymore jokes! oh no oh no i got short term memory. esp when it comes to jokes.

haha, and the song that keep playing on this blog, always be my baby - david cook, IS STILL NOT IN THE TOP 20! WHYYYYY?! oh man, who the heck keep requesting the stupid 4 minutes song ah, its not even pleasant to the ear! same like break the ice. horrible. haha, and thanks to levon for being the dj for the top 20 for me XD haha. damn the job finished just JUST NICE at 10 pm, after my job i straight away put on the earphone and it says "thats the end of 98.7 top 20, next will be the muttons". i missed it totally.

rah rah. and now i forgot what i wanna type. i clearly rmbed it a minute ago! damn. oh ya, i keep hearing long weekend long weekend on the radio. crap, it just remind me that ive no life and most imptly NO LONG WEEKEND. sux. haha. please visit me! XD

oh yes, haha, i like this song also! Touch my body - Mariah Carey. its really nice to hear. and i just rmbed that the music video is so darned funny. lemme post it here.

haha, thats all for now, maybe later update summore.

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