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stage fright.

im going to make sure everybody has their cookie.

and im going to start to work tommorow. :X oh no. im having a stage fright and worries that i wont even sell ONE laptop. after all, its hougang mall! WHO WILL GO THERE? (ans by wenhao & oe: hougang people lor)

today returned home quite late becos of, AGAIN, playing arcade with wenhao. spent $7+ today T.T oh mans. improved on my TC4, actually i got to stage 3 area 3 (which is final) with one credit. but then, i died-ed there. so, i put another $1.05 just for a couple of shots to complete the game. quite wasted. AND THEN, trying diff games with wenhao, we started with silent hill which i died quite fast (prob becos im freaked out) haha, no la, but the gun quite lag. the graphic seriously suck. then we play some hunter game. my arm is officially tired of holding guns.

bought ryan's very belated birthday gift. HAHA, a friends coupon. XD

today is mothers day! have you express your love to your mom? XD and today is also soo's birthday! (oh i just noticed i posted this after 11:59)

random thoughts:
- Nanett actually visits my blog, why dont u tag??? XD
- NOONE gave me a miss-call this morning ): everyone bystander..
- if you are free next week, ANY day, visit me at hougang mall will u? XD

and whats for today?
1. in case some of you did the IQ test, (which i know some of you did! YAY, i feel happy XD) and you are not satisfied with your result, here is one from, a quite trustable website. more questions too! and this one tell you what category are you in!
Take this test!
You have a strong ability to process visual-spatial and mathematical information. These skills combined with your strengths in logic are what make you a Visual Mathematician.

You're able to understand patterns visually and in numbers. That means your mind can create a mental picture for any problem. In addition to that skill, you possess an intelligence that allows you to apply math to that picture, too. That helps you manipulate multiple parts of the picture (or problem) to come up with a solution.

You have many skills that are critical to success and problem-solving. Your talents help you understand the "big picture," which is partly why people may turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace. You flourish in environments where tasks are clearly defined, and you are a whiz at improving processes and making things more efficient. Your ability to detect patterns and your skills in math and logic, make it natural for you to come up with ideas and theories that simplify processes for everyone.

Outside of work, Visual Mathematicians tend to do well at strategic activities like chess. It must be that ability to recognize patterns — both as they are and how they develop. Regardless of how you put your mind to use, you've got a great set of talents. You will be able to envision a clear path and calculate the risks, and more importantly, the rewards, of anything you take on.

2. ok, its getting quite hard to find fun things to do in the internet :S maybe i will run out of things to post really. I MEAN, REALLY soon. but for now, heres for you! ever wonder how musically inclined is your ear? can u guess what note is it just by hearing it? try it here (:

click on the picture!

its quite fun you see, hmm, here is my result for a sample XD

lets see how did i go. quite well for my standard. missing quite alot of minor tones. and surprisingly, major 2nd. D major. i cant get that. grr.

i feel like playing music again. shihui, wanna jam?

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