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found my way back..

tho you most probably wont read this, but i wanna say sorry to take your kindness for granted, yet again. SORRY, though im sure i can't count how many sorry's ive said, but i mean it. and thank you (:

talking 'bout taking something for granted, well, i can say im guilty of many. it has always been my weakness, one that i cant wait to get rid of. if people say what you do defines who you are, well then im gonna change the way i are. no more, no more. who i were costs me alot of regrets in my life. some of the most painful ones too.

but looking from a different perspective, it will still be me, a better me (or at least i hope..)

at the bright side, im happy that there are still people that really care about me for what i am (: im happy that things are turning for the better everyday. hah, shall not take things for granted anymore and give thanks for everything that i have. i dont want anymore regrets (:

went to run again yesterday with my long lost running partner :D heh, finally you come back to run with me :D hahahaha.. you mug hard and hurry up get your car, haha, keep saying want this want that but noooothinggg yet :\ hurry hurry and remember not to pangseh the next class outing! haha.. pangseh-kia.. holiday plans dont pangseh too!

and this is to my emo friend, wenhao.

and getting back to the post title, yep finally found my way back.and not looking back

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