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Schrodinger's cat

"in 1935, Erwin Schrodinger, in an attempt to explain the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics, he proposed an experiment where a cat is placed in a box with a sealed vial of poison that will break open in the random time. Since no one knows when or if the poison has been released until the box is opened, during that period of time the cat can be thought of as both alive and dead."

just like schrodinger's cat, your potential relationship can be thought of as both good and bad. It is only by opening the box that you'll find out which it is.

that was sheldon's relationship advice for penny.

But think about it, it really applies to many of our everyday problems, doesn't it?

anyway thats one of the episode of the TV series im currently following right now, yes, The Big Bang Theory! (: haha, yes apparently got yt and kong hooked onto it also. well, as planned a new series every exam! :p haha but this time not as bad as house series during semester 1. since theres only 2 seasons of it currently!

the story goes about a group of nerdy geek and their bimbo neighbour. funny, romantic and inspirational stories about their everyday life which never fail to make you laugh. well, i will recommend this series to you all! anyway its a short series, only about 20mins per episode and theres only 2 seasons now. go watch! (ask me for it if you cant find.)

and anyway, had a series of crazy online lectures today, nonstop watching boring videos, and i found a way not to sleep while watching it. hehe, i did some housekeeping of my old files from my burned dvds and transferring them to my 1TB harddrive (which only has 500gb left now). hehe, found some old pictures and memories from the past (:.

                                   reminiscing the past (: and how lucky i was (:

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