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broke, broken, brokened.

hoookay, and im officially broke and i really need a job soon! any job! :S (yeah im so desperate now, please if anyone got lobang anywhere (: a one-time job will be best because of my irritating school project)

and weekend is here, and i've gotta hold the thoughts of going out with friends, hanging out with old friends, outing, reunion and etc etc because my pocket apparently is quite thin :p well, its not so bad because its not so bad staying in hall on the weekend too! for the geek in me, theres LAN computer games, theres movies and series to watch! for the not-so-geek in me, theres many sports i can play including soccer, badminton, and tennis! sounds not so bad, no need to travel, not much money spent. (altho i really really need some vacation, some holiday, some escape)

and yesterday we went out to the city! well, not exactly. we went to iluma at bugis, the new mall with the filmgarde cinema. and i realise howw longggg since i last went to the city. (not so long, but the point is that not so often and usually just there for one purpose only) gone the times where we stroll along the orchard road with really nothing to do, no destination. go window shopping at plaza sing, at cineleisure. now everytime i go to town, theres a specific destination and target to achieve, after that, catch the last bus/train back. so much for living (literally) outside the country.

but yesterday, again, we cabbed back! (pain for the wallet) because apparently after our 1st movie, angels and demons, we weren't satisfied enough and we went on to watch a midnight movie, night at the museum 2. hohoho (altho its another painful thing to the wallet) BUT, it was worth it! especially the company of course :D

angels and demons exceeds my expectation of a remake of a book. its fantastic and brilliant. much better than da vinci code, really. my only dissapointment was knowing the antagonist at the start of the movie. all the briliant plots and twists is spoilt by that. if only i had forgotten the bad guy. BUT apparently, someone did! yiting actually shed a tear for the bad guy! hahaa, kena bluffed by the twist. nice move. swollen eye.

night at the museum 2 was, okay, so-so. funny, yeah but not that hillarious. meaningful, yeah but not so much. so its just a so-so movie. 3/5 will do. but yeah, i mean not bad (: haha. after movie we went to mcdonalds nearby for supper, and apparently joce need to go back so, well, me oe and yoga needa accompany her, and as a result left yt and kong at mcs that morning waiting for bus. (well, they are not online up till now, hopefully they got back safely)

funny thing was night at the museum 2 started at 12:10am, and oe reminded my at the start of the movie that results are out! haha, took awhile to get my mind off it and only to check it on joce's new iphone after movie. was scary to check, really, and as expected, screwed up my last paper EE2001, B- and material science gave me a B+ though i expected more. but, well, i met my target, so im not so sad, but quite dissapointed cos i thot i can do better. well, i didnt maintain my score.

no update on the weekdays because it was filled with gaming everyday (and as usual my DIP follows before and after gaming) sleep deprivation is an everyday thing. haha, we even bought 2 mattresses! my room looked like a chalet, all the floor is covered with mattresses. haha, we woke up to play, and play before sleeping. von and kong came on monday and yt since last friday/saturday. yoga is in the room too! imagine 7 people sleeping in one room. hahahha, well, dont imagine too much or it may go wrong. haha.. spent watching movies (saw, twilight) and playing games (L4D, Warcraft 3, Counter Strike) but kong and yt left on thurs, and von on wed. after that my room is back to the normal not-so-noisy state. well, its always good cos i can catch up with my sleep, but i always look forward for them to come again and game again! (hahaha, we talked about this yt! go find other activity, we have no life!)

and apparently the arcade at iluma is hiring, hope yiting can get there and get me in as well :D hehehehe.. working in an arcade, what else can i ask for XD HAHAHA.. and YITING! i want the photos! a long post like this without the photos is just boring!!!! gimme all ur photosssssss :D

ohh, and wenhao for some reason is uncontactable and gone like the wind. where are you? if you're reading this, contact us!


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