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rock scissors paper lizard spock!

went to watch star trek with oe, yoga and yt yesterday, or rather today as midnight movie! to summarize it, the movie is awesome! i am seriously considering watching the old star treks again now because the movie is great! and the actors were amazing too! 4/5 from me. zachary quinto plays well as spock just like he plays sylar. great story idea, great animation and CG, what else can you ask for. well at first i thot its a movie for geek, so i got some guys (and yt) to watch with me, but seriously, its a great movie whether you are a geek or not. haha.

"when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever left, however improbable, is the truth" -sherlock holmes, as quoted by spock.

when the dvdrip version come (oops) ill get it along with the subtitles cos i didnt really catch everything and all the sciency things is too cheem for me.

next movies on the list - angels and demons, night at the museum2, transformers2, harry potter, more to come along.

and the saddest thing happened to me on friday, my harddrive, my 1000GB=1TB hard drive went into some haywire mode! now it cant be detected time by time! this is damn scary, my 600GB worth of movies, tv series, games, applications and most importantly my documents! pictures, videos, etc is there, and only there! i can go and jump off if my harddrive fails me. my data are of utmost importance! checking the harddrive for bad sectors and errors now, if nothing is wrong, means the problem is with the connection part, and then i can go to maxtor to repair it, WITH SPECIFIC instruction of IMPORTANT DATA, can't be lost. (but i scared they check all my piracy :P) okay, i hope my hard drive will recover soon. please. :'(

amos came on friday, and his hair looks like jesus (according to many here) haha, apparently he hasn't done any hair cutting since he left NJC. wow thats quite an achievement. and his guitar skills really improve horigibly (even thats an understatement) seriously, he's the musician i respect the most, and im gonna catch him playing at one of those places real soon. (: anyway, me, amos and hari went to play diablo2 (like again) from 12am till 6am. thats, 6 hours. and we started from level 1, and we slayed diablo in 6 hours! HAHA, well its a deja vu. when we were sec4, during our o levels we did the exact same thing, except that we ended at 10am, means 4 hours more, and we achieve half of what we achieved on friday! we only started the 3rd city. what an improvement. haha. now shall wait for christmas and get our hands on diablo III and then do some rampage again. (:

and the thailand people had returned! yiting has been here since friday, reading twilight at half the normal speed because of her OCD. and im expecting the other 2 to come today and stayover as usual :D well, finally a happening weekend (and confirm lack of sleep next week)

its 2 weeks into DIP and theres another 2/3 more weeks, i just have to hang on there, show face, and play my plants vs zombies.

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