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exam is endinggg...

exam officially ends next week tuesday, 25th november 2008. but i celebrated end of exam yesterday.. hahaha, as in thursday yesterday (since now is officially saturday already) what a head start (:

my body clock is not spoilt anymore, its destroyed, woke up at 5pm today, realized i havent eat for 24 hrs.. eat my (breakfast+lunch+dinner) then read abit of maths2 and i fell asleep again. woke up at 10pm. darn, today is wasted like rubbish. (fyi mugging whole day also considered wasted day) yeah, lately ive been wasting everyday. sigh sigh.

monday 24th november, PA camp! that basically means i need to finish all my mugging on sunday cos i dont wanna mug during PA camp. hehe, cant stay over though cos i got paper on the next day, haha, but at least monday wont be a wasted day as usual. hehe, hope alot of seniors come also so it can also be a reunion event (: (: yay.. and that reminds me i need to finish editting the video by sunday (a video thats due 6 months ago) hahaha.. im so dead..

in the other issue, my 250gb harddrive is getting full, now its left with less than 10gb of storage! and i thot 250gb is more than enough. sigh, the choice now is external hard drive or DVD. if i stick with dvd, i need to burn around emm 50 dvds. haha, external hard drive on the other hand, will cost me a hole in my wallet. and im quite surprised with the space windows vista take:

actually all of it comes from MIRC download, heheeh, another speed record breaker today! (:

exam is ending, means my house watching period is going to stall soon. haha, halfway on season 3 now, more than 2 years of episodes during this exam period, i doubt i can be as efficient when exam period is over. exam = stay in room with no regrets = lots more time to watch movie.. no exam = feel like going out = no movie.. hahaha.. aniwae its a great show. heroes + house + family guy are the top 3 on my list now (:

yeah, guess break time is over, im back to doing maths 2 then. im 1/3 of chapter one. yay.

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