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late nights

yeah, 4:58am. i just finished watching 2 episodes of house. im in the middle of season 2 o.o haha, people do things efficiently when they are in the middle of exam no? i wont be surprised if i could catch up to season 5 at the end of my exam.. XD nope im joking, u know im a muggerrrr.. :p

so anyway, house m.d. hasnt been of any dissapointment at all, cases are still interesting and the character plots are also still fresh.. just cant stop watching, hehe.. its 5:00am, ive been sleeping around this time everyday actually. gotta change that this weekend cos all the morning papers are coming. hmm, computing, physics, life science, then maths, and im off for holiday (which i think im going to find another job if i want to stay alive.)

and also im finding other good riddle games, if you have any good ones please reccomend to me! haha, totally agrees that riddle games really sharpen ur mind and makes u think better. still think zahada is one of the best ones. so if u havent go and try, please go and try! hmm, let me give you one sample of the riddle.

first, a simple one, this is level 2.

Pronounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
I'm double, I'm single,
I'm black, blue, and grey,
I'm read from both ends,
And the same either way.

yeah, its pretty simple... try another one?

what comes next?
r t
d f g

okay that was level 57. hahaha.. quite simple right? now try this one!

Jane divides a cake into eight equal pieces.
If she gives two pieces to John and two pieces to Earl what time would it be?

and thats level 60.

cmon, are you not curious.. hehehe, im sharing my fun :p since its after ur promos, ur prelims, ur As, and maybe almost ur uni tests, u shd go and try it :p it keeps me playing 3 days straight. XD

yeah, 5:12, guess i should sleep now if i want to wake up like around.. 12? 1? should be alright. tomorrows plan is computing. still can manage that, life science is the bigger problem, sure its MCQ, but its broad like hell. and house m.d is helping me with that XD (just finding reasons so i can watch more)

oh and the website for the game is

have fun and good luck for the upcoming tests (:

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