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holidays are here!!! time to refresh, relax and rejuvenate before the new hectic semester to come! hehe, for those who just finished 'A' levels, this looong holiday is the time to try out things outside school! be it work, attachment, courses, etc etc, these 6-7 months will be very fruitful (: for those going NS, i dont know what to say :p haha, for the J1s, this holiday is going to be your last official holiday before mugging for A levels so better enjoy it! for the IPs, well, heck, its another holiday :p

holidays are also time to catch up with old friends, gathering, and fun altogether! :D so, my friends, please ask me out :D hehe, ill be fairly not so busy during the holiday i guess, apart from hall stuffs :\ so yeah, holiday is here! (: lets see whats my schedule :p

1-3 December: Hall trip to Malaysia
15 December: GLs+Programmers outing, Insinyur
7/13/20 December: PA outing!
8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18 December: Hall bridge training
26, 27 of December: Bridge IHRG
26-28 December: 06S18 chalet (which i cant go -.-)

so far so good, not too busy, not too slack, so of course i got time to go outttt :D hehe, lets meetup again, long lost friends :p

okay, in a totally random note, im quite confused why the rest of my cohort got their timetable allocation already next sem, but i dont. maybe im supposed to plan all myself? hehe, its damn tough to choose though :\

help me choose ):

and ok im done here.. sudden change of mood.

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