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PA year end camp..

its 11:54pm now and the rest are still having camp in school. probably still doing their night activity or free time before sleeping, yet im here back in my room already. if not for the stupid maths2 exam tmr, i will be enjoying my day with them ):

my plan was to go back, sleep early, wake up early tomorrow to do past year papers before the exam. im here now, and ready to sleep, but i cant help but blog abit about the pa camp :\

really i enjoyed myself through this one day :\ i kinda miss my pa family alot. today, a very fun day filled with games and laughter and talk cocks just bring back memories about the old times and create new memories for today. thanks to the current batch for making the old seniors feel accepted in the current family. (: really.. leaving tonight was a very sad decision.

started the day with ice breakers and i went to join in the fun (: hee, thanks again for including me (: played elope with quite a number of people, not to little, not to many, it was tiring but fun! (to think about it, i din play alot of games during my years as usually im preparing for training) but today starting was already fun. next was refreshing trainings, i went around to look at places and finally settles outside hall control with the current TO teaching about allen n heath and outdoor system. after that was a very COOL lunch, 1st time in my PA camping life that the lunch, the official lunch is maggie mee. hahaha, salute. :p after lunch we proceed to station games! on where i got the chance to take some photos! (: ivan came during that time..

yeah games games and games! it was really fun without any worries :D

this was before the watever taupok game Kaizhong and mok came up with, fun but violent. hahaa, quite funny seeing the girls play though.

choosing the team, the clever will choose the correct side :p

this is samuel and melvin, they were doing inner thigh + feet.. hahaha.

shoujin and katsun, neck and crotch..

cass and mel, neck and inner thigh

hsiangwei and mok, forehead and crotch (although it looks like something else) :p

cass and grace, neck and shoulder..

tingyun: "your first kiss?" lingling: "not counted!!" hahaha.. look at the difference between length of kitkat between ty and ling, and mok and hsiangwei.. quite large.. haha.

the sliding chairs but with a mutation in the gameplay.. hahaha..

after all these station games was free time! we played soccer! one of the most slackiest soccer game ive ever play yet i enjoyed every kick! haha, thanks to it my foot is red and hurting, but who cares anyway! hehe, jen came too! but she left early, im sorry jennnnnn, make u so boreddd :\ hope u wont be too bored to come next time, i promise will make u not bored :D hahaha..

barbeque was next! as usual, seniors sit one corner wait for the food to come :P hehehe, im so sorry juniors but you have to cook, its your turn! hahaha, the satay was extraordinarily delicious :p kayhow, elton and choon heng came during bbq too! hehe, perhaps the only tradition kept is the PA bbq, the position of the table, the shape of the table, the equipment used, the position of the equipments, its like they mark the whole linkway every year! hahahaa, quite amusing :P good food and great company, talked about alot of things including recalling memories from the past (:

after bbq me, ivan, mel, cass and tingyun went to put the clues at the respective positions, we split into 2 group in which i heard cass backed out :p hahaha, so me and tingyun got to put the things at those ulu ulu places. but after around 3 years, nj is like my home alr :p hahaha, it was fun to go to those scary places XD the clues was tough but exciting, its almost like zahada. hahaha.. when they started the night act, its time for me to leave.. :( its sad, but well, i need it.

i hope theres more outing and camps :\ i miss the pa family.. should we organise another big outing during the december holidays??? (: (: (:


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