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alot of things week, handover+outings+meetings

puh, this week was and is and gonna be hectic. gone are my nuahing and slacking days, and here comes the busyness altogether. well, its fun in some way, but i seriously miss the nuahing times around my room here. seriously considering going back to the slacking and doing nothing except gaming state ^^

PA handover camp is the highlight of this week. wednesday, thursday and friday. well, its the 4th handover camp that i've been through. (and most probably one of the last ones) since im not very close with the current batch and cass&mel batch, (which are the last ones on my batch) just graduated from the crew. but if everyone still go back, why not! heh, camp was (ahem) unprepared. haha, guess it was the lack of preparation cos of the lack of time. but well, i hope everyone had fun and me, i had fun (: haha, politics and stuffs are not my business already. how are they gonna keep the rejected people are not my business already. im just hoping all the best for the new people (:

today, was the 3rd day that i consecutively went to vivocity. haha, yet another PA outing. but it was more of a senior's outing cos all the juniors apparently pangseh-ed. sigh, so sad. anyway, zp and kz were there too (counted as seniors cos now theres some new juniors on PAA) haha. kayh, xium, xm, elton, choon, sh, mx, me, ivan, zp, kz and sam. not bad for attendace. haha, had games (twister, tutututututu) and then dinner (some japanese restaurant) and then dessert (bakerzin). money = depleting super duper fast.

monday was GL meeting, more specifically mass dance comm. we literally did almost nothing. well, i did nothing. haha, tmr supposed to learn the 'nobody' dance. wtf. im so dead, and i decided that im not doing it and ill tell them tmr its too gay. not looking forward at all for the meeting tmr.

tuesday was nuahing day. haha, one day in the week that i actually can slack. but well, its like everyday already. so i dont feel much of a difference.

next monday is the job hunting and shopping day! supposedly hunting for job with kong, oe and yt. then going to ikea! haha, at night supposed to celebrate pa0607 anniversary at westmall. lookinglooking forward to that! (:

im super bored. and im lazy to type. and this post only have one picture so far. i shall add another one just so that it doestn look so empty.

lousy attempt to change my wallpaper by yt.

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