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counting down to the end of holidays..

It's the 4th week of June now, and holiday is seriously coming to an end. well, at least its longer for the uni students, the JC and sec school are starting next week! for us, 2 months has passed! and we are left with the last month of holiday. thats a big OH NO. dammit. and i havent got any job done yet. shucks to the core.

this post comes abit late though (usually sunday) but yesterday i was exhausted from the housewarming and tennis (more on that later) so i can only manage to start writing today. hey its not easy to write okay! compiling pictures, recalling events, editting pictures, editting html. more or less will take me around 1 hr (or more). but its a great place to put all the memories of everyday (: be it happy or sad.

well, as usual started on monday. monday was (supposedly) finding a job day. but unfortunately, it was cancelled (due to a combination of reasons, most significant one is the inability to wake up so early) so then nothing on the day but i went to my bathch anniversary dinner at westmall. met Elaine (more accurately, talk to)for the first time after a very long time! haha, met the rest of the excos there (except jialin.) argued on the place to eat, and after so long, we decided on mcdonald -.-" afterwards was pool session with them till 1130pm, then we all head back home. took mrt back with elaine, had our long-due chat, and walked back to hall from pioneer mrt \-.-/

and heres to pa0607 and my excos: thanks for being such a family for me over these past few years. pa has been and will always be a family in my heart! well, we had our share of disagreements and conflicts and heartbreaks, but im glad we are still united as one. it's our 3rd anniversary and im so happy that we still gather and talk about our lives, our past, present and future. you guys are the greatest bunch of team ive ever had, and i look forward to working (or more to) playing with you all again! well, we're always a small and cosy family (:

heh, and one night that explains many sleepless nights. well, quoted that from sh. haha, its funny that we can reminisce our past and laugh all about it. we said things that we wouldnt or couldnt have said a few years back. we explained things that couldnt be explained a few years back. but life goes on, make peace with the past so we can have a better future. and thats what we did. (:

Wednesday was our another SUPPOSEDLY finding a work day. we ended up going to IKEA to shop for wing's housewarming present. (and most of the time is spent admiring their home design technique and us wanting to have such a home like those in ikea.) spent quite a loooooooooong time in ikea before we head to marina square to have our dinner! daphne was coincidentally there too! so there was, me, oe, yoga, tanaja, yt, kong and daphne! we ate at MOS, some nice food and some nicest dessert. haha, last time we went out together was quite long ago, more than a week! and that means more than a week without staying over and l4d-ing! tsk! hahaha.. so after MOS-ing, we went straight to GAMING! haha, arcading more accurately. WAS DAMN FUN. haha, spent over $10 buck on arcade including challanging yt to a guitarhero game, completing time crisis 2 with yoga, played some crazy taxis and the animal capturing watever crap, and spent like $4 buck entirely on the drum thingy, which i died on the 1st round (AGAIN) because kong anyhow chose a stupidly difficult song. haha. went to pool shortly afterwards (2nd time in a week), and then went back home.

Thursday, me and oe went back to rebecca and went for our singtel training, more on mio-TV though, our trainer was a guy, who i thought was quite old, but turns out to be our junior next year! haha, not exactly junior, but an NTU freshman next year. mio is quite interesting, but the boss sucks. just sucks. went for an ljs dinner, then went home! (then i think at night i played l4d with raz, joce and yoga)

Friday was another day full of activities too! (notice that its alternate days :P) went for tuition in the morning/afternoon for the 2nd time. and i still like my new tutee cos shes smart :p so theres not much to teach her :P HAHAHA. went for GL meeting (super late, just wanted to play l4d after that) but in the end everyone ditched the l4d idea and went to movies. me? nah, not for movies with them. so i went to play pool (yeah, 3rd time in the week) with jolyn and terence. played for 3 hrs this time. woo. but kena trashed.

went back and found a plastic bag on my bed, i was like "eh whos plastic bag is this" cos usually its wenhao one and he like to keep his plastic bag full of clothes lying around on my place :p lucky i havent scold him yet cos they told me is my present! :D haha, opened it and got a big shock cos its the jacket that i said i wanted. disclaimer: that was not a hint for my birthday present okay. haha, and i know that its quite ex (or very ex to my standard) that i wanted to save for it (which i doubt ill succeed). hah, i was happily surprised :D thanks thanks thanks guys! hahaha.

then we went to l4d that night and i would say we played well that night! haha, well, as usual expert on hospital (cos thats the only map that we can survive on expert), died once on 2nd level cos the tank appeared infront of the starting safe house. and thats it! we finished it with 3 man standing (and that includes me! so i got my achievement) but more than that is that we almost got "untouchables" and i believe we wouldve got it, and survive with all survivors taking no damage if yoga's lappie didnt hang at the right timing: when he was chased by the 2nd tank. sad story.

saturday night we went to wing's house for housewarming. from the outside the apartment was simply 'wow', inside was small but very nicely decorated and plus those big HD TVs, blu ray player, 24" wii, surround system, mahjong table, wine and full aircon. yeah, its damn right cozy. started with assault on precinct 13, along with ice wines, continued with a short l4d, and then some wii gaming, and followed by pizzas and chicken wings, (at wing's house :P), and followed by step up 2, then step up 1 (reverse huh :P) and suddenly it was 7am in the morning, and i had to leave for tennis.

on sunday morning, tennis-ed with the usual people, ivan, mx and yh. (with the 2 girlfriends hanging around there), continued with table tennis because the weather was scorching and me (especially) cant stand hot weather :P. then a 10 year old boy came and trashed all of us! hahaha, well not exactly trashed or lose though, but im like double his age, so you cant count me as a loser. hahahaa.. damn. taxi-ed my way to church, stayed awake thruout the whole mass :D and then JP for lunch with oe at pepperlunch, and then home. 6-hrs of fable after that. oh yeah, fable is a RPG game that i just started playing. quite nice, but not so great. and then i got sleepy and slept for like 14 hrs till 12pm this morning! hahaha.. oh and reaper too, another tv series that i just started, so far, not bad.

what a great week. (well, a week like this is quite great for me, considering the usual nuah-ing), tomorrow will be paintball day if alls goes well. anyone keen on joining us playing paintball? just call me before.. 12am tonight? hehehe. looking forward for another great week! (:

and more importantly, looking forward for another l4d VERSUS night. when are we going to start doing 3v3 or 4v4 again?!!? im super looking forward for it! ahahaha, hint hint hint hint!!! XD

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