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weekend update.

as usual, im updating again on the weekend, where there are less people having fun in my room and therefore i have some time for myself to sit back and reflect about this whole week and get ready to face the new week ahead of me (: hehe, this week has been, fun!

big news is that wenhao finally came back. turns out he was doing some retreat, sit back and reflect on his life for one whole month in his home without any contact with outside civilisation (particularly the ones in singapore) well, i was expecting something like diet programme for 1 month but that will do. hehe, so now he's back here (acutally now sleeping on the mattress below my bed.) no change in size however with change in hairstyle! (havent gotten a chance to take a picture yet) he'll be here more often now though, so my room fill be just more packed! haha..

speaking about my room being pack, im expecting next week to be full of people! including wenhao now, there'll be the usual people, yoga, yt, kong, evonne and joce. well, its gonna be messy and stuff im sure! haha, but today we cleaned up the room! scrubbed the toilet with full attire, swoop and mopped the floor till its clean. hehe, but its still as messy as before though, cant do a tidy room with alot of stuff and people in the room anyway :P

and i still havent gotten any income source yet so its broke broke and broke. im really sorry that i pangsehed alot of outings this week. pangsehed alot of invitation to go out too! really sorry cos im flat broke and trying to minimise expenditure including the one on the EZlink card, I M-U-S-T get a job real soon. real real soon or ill starve to death (after my instant noodle supply is drained out)

time for recalling last week stuffs.

Jay and yt came on monday if i dont recall wrongly. and then i totally forgot what we did early in the week. shits, i think i must keep a logbook on what we did everyday if not its so wasted i dont remember! -.- i can only recall it quite clearly from wednesday onwards.

wednesday was because we went out to watch barcelona vs man u match! haha, we went out to the cafe beside the man u cafe at boat quay there. well, it certainly was fun! (aside from the uncivilised 'people' around us who keep shouting and scolding vulgarities), well, watching a match with such atmosphere is quite nice sometimes! match was really good and barca deseves to win! (: we almost kena scammed by the pub though, suddenly theres a minimum of $30/person! WHAT THE HELL, like, even marche its $10/person. there were 6 of us there so we must order $180. and you know how broke i am. i even go to mcs to get my dinner before going to that pub. luckily with our pitiful faces we managed to getaway with $100+ only. still painful on the wallet though, still owe oe for that. haha.

thursday me, oe and yt went out to watch my first 3D movie (in a very long time) which i hoped that itll be a drastic change from the last time. we watched monsters vs aliens! i was expecting some polarized glasses technology, but instead, they still stick to anaglyph image. well, that was the technology like 5 years ago. but still, the movie experience was great! so much has improved! the movie, story, and the 3D! good movie. to think about it, i think we were quite lucky! went to vivo first just to find out the only seats left were 1st row, then we change to cathay, where only 2nd row is available! but turns out that 2nd row give a very good 3D experience :D lucky.

friday was finally l4d night. haha, well finally we got to play after one week havent played it quite much. there were me, oe, yoga, yt and jocelyn. well, we are still improving continually and thats good (: hehe, finally got through advance without much difficulty. after l4d we went to watch college. some m18 college comedy. i was damn tired i was half sleeping all the way. yt was the one who is very awake and watched all those m18 stuff. hohoho. then we all cant take it and went to sleep.

saturday morning i heard alot of voices, dom, mccarl, kong, but i didnt wake up. haha, im just too tired from the whole week of super little sleep and finally getting a long sleep. in fact, i woke up at 4pm o.O (and yt woke up even later, 5-6pm -.-) then we went out to meet wenhao in town! (this is the day when we meet wenhao after 1 month), haha, after wenhao then we met raz, then dom and eechan. then me, oe, wh and yt went to paradise to play lan again -.-" haha, and guess what game. l4d. haha, just as we are reaching our final house, suddenly there was a blackout. sian.. -.-.. then we all went home, we took 502express to pioneer mall (where we saw elaine) then supper at ahlian. and yt went with bus16 after paradise back home.

oh at town we went to shop! (initially the plan was to go to flyer to go for some GSS for oe but i guess we were too late) well, the saddest part is that GSS is coming, and ive no money to spend o.O SADDEST. we went around, at billabong i saw a damn nice jacket, another must have for me, its $115. i gotta save up. then we went topshop and i dont even dare to look around. saw a nice jacket but quickly dismissed it :p haha, window shopping is painfull.

2 broke people windowshopping T_T

ahh, today was already described up there :p hehe, and i got the sims3 already! hohoho, i finished downloading it yesterday. the official launch here is 2nd june. well i guess pirates have more privilages sometimes :P hehehehe..

and the last part of the post is about the upcoming week! (its like 4:46 now and i have a 9am class again tmr T.T)

next week (actually today is already next week) is my last week of DIP (FINALLY THANK GOD!) and finally i can really concentrate to find work! heh, finally the stupid DIP is over ill have more time for me! yeah.. and work, and wasting time, and earning money. cmon cmon, anyone got lobang i seriously need it :P hehe. and more or less thats all for next week, i havent got any plan except to hurry up clear this irritating DIP.

oh and my birthdays coming, and i guess itll be a sucky thing to NOT HAVE MONEY to spend on your own birthday. haha, sad life.

ooo and experimenting with panorama shot, take a look at my first try :p

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