HAHA, enrichment week used to be so much fun for these 2 years of my life in NJC! but my 3rd year enrichment week, started out VERY badly and i think its going to stay VERY badly sia. its totally borriiiinng, and wastinnngg time, and at the same time im full with doubts and anxiousness to apply for uni courses :S
okay, my job this WHOLE week is to invigilate JC1 and IP3s physics VA! its like, 3 teachers, and groups ranged from 1 group to 7 groups. what do we do? give instruction, and stone for the rest of the period. grrr.. and so it goes like that until 6pm and it starts at 8am! THAT TOTALLY SUCKS! especially when there is only one group, or worse no group at all, so we just stone there and wait for time to pass..
SOO, being fun physics tutors xD, we cant just stand/sit there and do nothing! we came up with stupid games! haha, we played hangman! quite lame but fun though.. then we took some pictures too! it will be shown on the end of this post (: THEN, we started learning the art of drawing on whiteboard, with markers. this is an art all teachers need to learn! (: hehehe..this picture is how it all started. hehe, actually, szemin was like saying her camera face detection can detect even the face on the book, so i want to try whether her camera face detection can detect my drawing! hehe, in the end, no, my drawing is too bad. xD i was wondering too! how the camera detect faces? issit the eyes position? nose? mouth? grrr, face shape? tried alot of drawings but all CMI xD
then szemin also join the fun and start drawing some spongebob character that is on her access card. hehe..
so i decided to just spend the time mastering the art of using marker, but apparently, my drawing is getting from bad to worse. this picture dont look similar at all! haha, im sorry to the girl on the photo!then i guess its more fun to draw someone more impt, so this is the dean of admission of SMU xD hahahaha, okay WORST drawing alr. i needa learn the art of marker drawing xD
so to top it all, i gave up on photo drawing, just stick to cartoon drawing, this is my ezlink card sticker. oh i love crayon shinchan (:
THATS all we did in school today. issit a waste of time? if you say yes, then i will waste this whole week! work until so late everyday because of stupid invigilation -.- haha.. and OH i found the SATA driver for the laptop! so i went to causeway point to buy a stupid 31/2" floppy A: disk, and copied the driver into the floppy. THEN, i realised that i left my xp pro recovery cd at sch, OH I BROUGHT THE LAPTOP HOME ALR SO DAMN HEAVY CAN -.-, darn, im too lazy to create another recovery cd, cos that means taking out my external dvd burner to burn it (cos my internal one spoiled xP) i shall just do it in sch tmr, since im wasting time anyway :p
this morning my body clock still @#$%^&*( cant even hear the alarm, lucky i alr asked cass the day before to wake me up incase something happen. I LEARN FROM EXPERIENCE! haha, so because cass woke up later than me, i ended up abit late, but not bad lah, still can make it for assembly, but later than ty, so means quite bad xD hahaha.. tommorow will be different man! xD
so, pa outing is on friday, CALLING ALL PA past present and future members, please do come and join us (: details are available both on PA blog and facebook (:
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