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tennis day (:

so today was tennis day! nice to see the old PA tennis enthusiast again (not tennis player just enthusiast who cant play tennis) hhahaha, did have alot of fun (: thanks to ivan, mx and yh (: i got 11 sets winning streak! (: HEHEHE, after tennis we went for dinner at westmall, PASTAMANIA, also quite long since ive been there i think xP. and of course, if you go out with people who are not only tennis enthusiast, but also pool, bowling, arcade, lan, and everything enthusiast, you wont stop at dinner, we went to pool at the place near westmall. ended up quite late, and took mrt home with mingxuan. here are some photos!

dark shot

tennis gang! (4/5 paa founder >.<)

yh with killer face and ivan

mx with retarded face, and me

the man of the match for pool today

ivan aiming (:

today i also got to talk quite alot abt pa, juniors, seniors, and that reminds me of my j1 times when i was a NEW BOY in pa. i remembered how i came alone, without knowing anyone, but yet i still feel so welcomed, so accepted into this new family. how the nice and friendly seniors are so approachable and friendly to me, to us the newcomers. i remembered march camp, i went there without knowing anyone, yet i had so so much fun! hehe, now i keep complaining why the juniors not very enthu, but i forgot that it takes time! i guess i wasnt any more enthu than them right now when i was in J1, yet now, i bet only a few love pa as much as i do (: but at the same time, the seniors in pa, please make pa enjoyable for the j1s and ip1s k, please dont make yourself so exclusive that they cant even talk to you. you realli play a vital role in moulding the new batch. like what my seniors did.

oh darn i really miss those times.

i also remembered the times i skipped training because of my other cca, times where i skipped training because i thot i know what will be taught, but still, the seniors are very nice to me. and i also remembered how i went for events, for outing without really knowing anyone but still they are so funnn.. most fun times i had im my life. i remembered the times where i get to do events, with new people, with seniors too, and decided that pa will be my first cca (and later my only cca). haha, i definitely can say it now: I LOVE PA xP haha..

okay thats all abt pa. (:

and i jus rmbed that ive so little time left to be in NJ, to be with my classes and to be with PA. after march i still dont know what to do, i dont want to leave nj leh. so many friends, so much memories ): i bet ill still go back often to visit. yall dont mind me coming back right? :P

oh do check out march camp photos that yanling took, in PA blog (: i like this one (:

another retarded face by ivan

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