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yet another saturday. and sunday

and sooo, my saturday streak still not yet stopped xD haha, finally went out with some of the class people for pool + dinner + gathering session before yihong go to sispec and mingxuan go to ocs for confinement. ull find that after As, weekend without going out is quite weird. nothing to do, no homework, no friends at hostel, nothing. MUST go out xP

and here are photos for yesterday! (:

the act pro amelia

the man on fire because he is going to sispec

the 'always' pro mx

my food for the night! double BASTARD.

dark group photo, lousy photographer

after instruction from the pro photographer xD

nice place, CA! (: wooo..

hahaha, yeppss.. so thats yesterday, only post today because i cant upload the photos yesterday..

and today, went to elaine's hse for her bro's tuition xD hehehehe, funnn... xD

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