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need to relaxxxxx..

okay i just did the uni applications and all this kinda stuff. more or less done everything except maybe some individual companies scholarship. i tell you, its damn energy consuming, every time spent typing the personal essay drives my stress level up! i dont usually get this, only this time because i am not very sure of what courses should i put as my 2nd choice. (the 1st one is absolutely medicine)

ah, so i dont wanna think about it again now. whats done is done, any course i choose, God have His plans for me, and i should let him work his ways (: He will make a way! okay, but now my stress-o-meter is quite high, i need to RELAX MAN RELAX. anyone want to to any icecream shops or cafe like NOW? help me destress. maybe i should do yoga.

hahhh, lucky i got my friends on msn to talk to and support me in all the ways possible. thanks alot my dear good friends (:

soon ill be back to my everyday posts lah, and everyday pictures too! most prob after 1 april. (: for today, here is a photo.

the pathetic bowlers find amusement in doing stupid things such as connecting all the shoes together -.-

HAHA, bowling session was really fun.

Will I always love you?, I just don't know
I'll give it a go.
Will you always love me? How could you know?
Just give it a go.
- Liquefy, The Servant

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