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oh monday, WORK! (:

FINALLY MY ASS IS BACK TO THE STAFFROOM (: ohh, im so glad to see my classes again today! it seems like forever since i last taught them, and it was so fun to see them and talk to them again (: ah i love my classes xP

the only problem now is i ONLY HAVE 5 more weeks left ): this week, next week holiday, next next week enrichment, and then 2 more weeks (or maybe earlier) and then im gone. gone for real ): itll be the saddest day this year ): (OF COURSE, I MUST SEE THIS FRIDAY FIRST)

and coming to that, FRIDAY 7th march! is the official day of A level result release! :D i dont know whether im looking forward to it or not, (OH YES, that is my payday) im really scared for my GP :p and it may be the saddest day also ):

went to pa aft sch, clean up control (byebye old cupboard) and discuss about camp! i bet its gonna be fun!

then i went home, took bus with cassandra cheong pei shan, and took alot pictures along the way, but i shall not post them here (due to her request!)xP maybe one xP HAHAHA..

and NOW MY PROBLEM is the school comp! it crashed! refused to turn on! SHITTT man, if i go to library and ask the guy to repair it, most prob he will put the recovery cd, restore C: to the original one, but all my data is at D: and I DONT WANT HIM TO SEE MY DATA! (think of the reason yourself) ): so i want to try my best first now to repair it. this is so troublesome! usually using windows cd recovery console, chkdsk and fixboot should be able to fix it. BUT, i cant even go to recovery console! it said "Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer" WHAT THE HECK!

i need HELP!
as usual, photo post (:

bye bye to our lovely old cupboard with my name on it ): -> act sad cass and mel.

camp meeting, notice the old cupboard is missing? xP

camp meeting also, notice the position of the rack? xP

and this is the 1st official photo we took tgt xP HAHAHAHA, after whole 2+ years.

HAHHHHHH, i dont know why but im VERY VERY TIRED AND SLEEPY.

"i just didnt dare to walk in.
remembering the experience during the first PA camp
when the voodoo appeared.
so i begged mingxuan to go in with me
haha. ohman. i still cant overcome my fear!!!
but im sure i can ONE day. ONE :P"

hehe, do you remember? xP SO I GUESS ITS NOW OR NEVER! xP hahaha.. oh if u ask how come i find this, its because im too bored i decided to read your old posts xP HAHAHA.. QUITE FUNNY YOU KNOW xP

okay i shall go to sleeeeep (:

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