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photo post (:

yea, finally the week ended and i returned quite early today (: so today will post some photos taken these few days back.

nina and elaine at the dinner place, curry something.


4-something pizza, illusion, apple martini, coke+bacardi, heineken.

acjcFUNorama, one hellofa funny sign.

jen and her birthday cakee (:

serious faces.

Today went for usual things, church, lunch with darius, oe and friends, then went to BK for tuition. normal stuffs, not so difficult today, all questions are within boundary, haha, dynamics and circular motion. then went to dinner with ivan, elaine and shihui (show face onli). you still oweee me a treat (:

watched juno just now, the storyline is quite good. and yes, find someone who loves you for who you really are. (: (and of course love someone for who they really are.)

still feeling lonely xD when will i get to know you ): only another week left.

and wenhao, hurry up join us in singapore leh! haha, and lets have a guys night out xD hohoho, boooooring here if never meet you all. oe said the place quite nice, got bowling place, NTUC, DBS, Mcs, etc etc. hahahaha, hurry le find job! (:

and my last week starts in another 2 hrs. hope ill find another GOOD (and maybe slack) job soon :p help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. hahaha, if u havent been to the pa blog, the tagboard is overflowing like crazy. one day never see, you must see the older tags alr xD hahahaha.. good job man.

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OH NO. shit. im turning emo again ): noway noway. im outta that condition alr. noway im going back there. no more, no more turning back. be strong. oh no.
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