I would say that this weekend is a fun filled weekend (; hehe, started with going back to njc with sam for cest la vie 2, the end year party in nj. and firstly of course i want to thank sam for driving me there and back.. thanks alot sia. haha, nj doesnt seem that far anymore.
it is a really good thing to get back and see how events are run again, was quite a successful event that day, good sound mixing and lighting, harmony was there, and of course what is the negative point is the lousy sound system (i mean the speakers) they are way too old and should be changed like real soon :p haha, there are changes in the cca too, here and there, but i guess, now its their time and they decide how they want it for them (:
KAP after event! hehe, the long missed after event supper. was quite late though, not everyone can make it but still, its fun there.. hehehe.. oh man those time sure was fun. hehe. oh and of course the most important part is zp's confession.. hehehe, finally confessed! (:
although the past was great, but im living in the present. i need to live the fullest everyday so that in the future i can look back and not regret a single thing (:

this is the number of audience when the show just started..

it increases a bit for chinese dance performance

and i can tell u this is the most number of people alr. during band performance. after that everyone just dispersed.
hehe, and today was also a very fun shopping day.. hehe, actually went out to look for present and also shop for myself, but ended up accompanying jolyn in a shopping spree. haha, crazy shopping spree.. haha, but the best part is that we all got the same nerdy spectacles (:

hehehe, and after all the shopping and the eating, we went to watch a movie! painted skin. it was supposed to be a romance movie and horror? but the movie is really quite nice, not scary, and the actress are pretty :p haha, but the meaning is very deep..

then we all went to jolyn's place. or at least the lift. hahaha. cabbed back and now am back in my room with wenhao and oe and having some fun :p hahaha, ooh its almost 3am, what movie should i watch now? :D