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badminton day!

HAH, after lacking sleep, i slept for 12+ hrs today! :D almost late for tuition, but no im not late (: then went NJ for badminton (: finally, after so long, get to play with the usual people again! 1 day of playing with them is already enough to warm me up after not playing for 3 months! :p hopefully tmr get to play again! (:

so wednesday is pa camp. i was thinking of staying in school tmr, many reasons. one, pa camp on wednesday, two, make wenhao come tmr cos he cannot come if its too late. three, play badminton till crazy. hahahaha.. :D SO, there IS a POSSIBILITY that i wont be online for tmr and wednesday. means 2 more days without post, and maybe thursday too because ill be dead tired. hahah, oh my, means march will have so little posts!!!!!! ): but expect ALOT ALOT of pictures for camp post! (which should be up on thursday or friday) of course again, ill double post the pics here and also at pa blog (:

hehe, if you are thinking of reading/watching a manga/anime, i can only recommend these 2 (:

Naruto! manga download at here!

Bleach! manga download at here!

they usually come out every saturday (: thats for today folks (:


*Qwerty* said...

hahas finally found ur blog too! cool sia rofl~ ehh must treat the classes u teach with ur pay leh lolx

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