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D2E impresario finals!

Yesterday was IMPRESARIO 2009 finals, and D2E got the 2nd prize for the street dance category :D thank GOD that all the hardwork, late nights, and sleepless nights together had paid of the way we want it to be (:

D2E with the trophy (:

Well, i just wanted to thank everyone in the crew for giving me the chance to be in the crew itself.. Dancing with you all have been a very very memorable time! Thank you for all the guidance, the patience and everything! (: well im the noob here so sorry if i cause any problemssss :\

finally the FINALS are over and this busyness finally comes to an end (or so i might think) but i cant imagine nights MUGGING instead of talking cock with you all and dancing the nights off. recess week had been totally burnt, as grace said spending all waking our with you all. but, no regrets! our hardwork really pays off (: but SURELY ill miss this kind of busyness, sleeping at 5am, just to wake up at 10am to start practicing again.. haha.. once again, THANKS TO EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU! including our D2E manager (:

and well not forgetting all the supporters who came and support all of us there, THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN (: it will never be the same without you all, the shouting that bring back our energy and push us well over the limit (: it was certainly the most full-out that we all ever done during this time (: hehe, hope we didnt dissapoint any of you (:

and just for information, the grand champion for the street dance competition is undoubtedly the freek-zy-nuts. thats kinda expected, they are really some level up there.. we never really fight for the first place anyway, so we sorta achieve our highest target! :D

thats that for the impresario post,

now im back to mugging, with formal lab report due tuesday which is 90% of the total mark, and circuit analysis quiz on tues (20%) and digital electronic quiz on wed (20%) and communication fundamentals quiz on fri. sigh, i rather dont have this side of the uni, damn. but, 2nd part of the 2nd sem has started so now is time to catch up with work and really work hard just for the GPAs. gotta minimise other activities other than mugging ): sad life.

PA camp, hopefully i can make it! i dont know my schedule yet :\
im here, do you notice me? or am i just another orange blink.
(sad grammar i have no mood to correct my england)

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