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left 4 dead!

Well, i am certain that this game is quite addictive! multiplayer co-op games are always very fun to play and this one is included in that description too! (: luckily i can still find time to mug and not play like an addict. :D well, playing with yt and kong is fun! we are still lacking one more khaki to be the 4th person in the game. anyone interested? hahaa.. It seems like we can already keep up with the normal mode now and maybe we should progress to an even harder difficulty soon! well, teamwork is still quite lacking but is certainly improving! (: haha, anyway there are some nice tactics that i see in the other left4dead pages, maybe i should kop some here. (probably i dont need to ask permission since they wont ever come across this place :P)

lets cover some formation!

1st formation: Ambushed formation = The diamond Formation!

I guess this is really the best formation when we are surrounded by the infected. however its quite hard to move around in this position so its mainly used when you are surrounded.

2nd formation! Wedge1 and Wedge2


this formation allows movement, leader will stand in front and the rest will follow. on formation 1, the person covering the back need to pace himself with the rest of the team. on formation 2, the left and right person need to make quick glances to the back too! and changing to diamond from wedge is an easy task.

3rd formation: Narrow corridors=Single file

this formation is only used when you are walking through a narrow corridor, or a small path surrounded by jungle on both sides. when the infected come from one direction, the person on that direction need to duck straight away to avoid friendly fire. Don’t forget to always cover your side by taking quick glances to your own post.

4th formation: Big places with walls

whether its a wall, or a cliff or anything that is completely covered, always walk and kiss the wall at the same time. handling enemy from one direction is much simpler than from every direction. remember to communicate and don’t stray from the group.

and thats it for the formations! and TEAMWORK and COMMUNICATION, always stick together in a group, never stray from the group. A scout may be sent to observe the situation ahead, usually is the person with the lowest health (which is already dying). Its a good idea to pair up and look after your own pair. 2 is always better than one. when your pair is pinned down by a hunter, or captured by a smoker, or simply incapitated, it is your job to make sure they are okay. TRUST your buddies in doing their job, its better to take one side to shoot rather than covering 360 degrees alone. (even worse if you friendly fire), let your buddy handle his side, and you, watch your side (eventhough there’s nothing on it now). learn to let go and let your buddy handle the crowd himself. OF COURSE help if he called for assistance.

strategies on encounter with special infected:

Other Tactics

Here for more advanced tactic perfectly copied from the other website :p

WHOAH, thats quite long, well, better than reading alot of sources, i rather combine them :p

well looking forward to playing again.....

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