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over and done with the quizzes!

Today is (hopefully) the last day of the quizzes before exam! (hopefully because maths is still hanging on a balance :|) hahaa, and YAY! means more time to… well, watch movie? play? sigh, guess its just more time to mug for the end semester exam. FE1005 quiz turns out to be not-so-easy after all but its mcq and hotspot qn! haha, my taiko-ness has brought me to another level :D

phew, actually im here but i dont know what to write. haha, anyway my dad sent me an email about “supposedly” the ending of the NTU stabbing case, which they found the professor guilty and charge him in court. the story was quite a narrative “love novel” story, but too bad its in indo, im just lazy to translate it. hahahaha, well, the logic is somewhat there but there are too many flaws. its funny to read though, and people in indo actually think that this is a true story. what a mess. (actually if that story turns out to be the true story, i will hurry delete this post :P) well, theres no harm putting the funny story here. (but its in indo :P)

hehe, if you CAN read that, and YOU ACTUALLY read that long story, you will find it quite amusing (:

and so now, i just came back from JP, actually CUT my hair at chapter 2. but feeling abit cheated because kena conned into buying their products ended up spending $100+ today. daaammmnnn.. haha, nvm once in a while, SO JOB JOB I WANT JOB!!!! holidays is coming so i really want jobbbbbssssssss!!!!! anyone with any lobang? haha, if this continues ill be forced to literally work my ass off :P

oh and in a sidenote, customised my desktop and im happy with it, so now i wanna share it with those who wanna customize their desktop too! (:

and here are the tools!
1. Rainmeter - It makes up the sidebar, clock, taskbar, and everything around the screen
2. Enigma (Rainmeter skin) - Its the skin used for most of the tools
3. Arcs (Rainmeter skin) - Its the skin used for the big clock in the center. (included in kaelri's enigma)
4. Rainlendar - Calendar application on the top right, complete with to-do and events, customisable skin
5. Fences - Stardock freeware to group desktop icons
6. Vistaglazz - A vista cracked theme to make your window 100% transparent (like the windows media player down there)
7.Juggler - Small program to change my desktop wallpaper every 15 mins (user defined) (:

Hahaha, alriteee again, it has been quite a long post. lets end with this rebus.


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