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supperheroes goes on a suppertrip!

Im not going to write details on the supper trip, but it was real fun (: hehe, wind blowing your hair when you sit behind the lorry like a bangla worker. laughing, chitchatting and joking with your close friends, and of course nice fooood which has been subsidised quite alot (: hehe.. im so looking forward to another trip like this. ♥ supperheroes (;

well, pictures are really awesome (as yt may put it in words) i still dont have them yet but everything is on facebook. one particular shot that i think is the best shot of the day is below! i tried to photoshop it, well it doesnt look too nice, but yeah, why not show your work here (: hehee.. if only theres no such thing as exam, we can have fun like this everyday. that will be my ideal life :p

the light

its 5:36 now, my desktop is getting nicer, my body clock is getting more and more screwed up, hope i can get it right again soon. i need all your help :p haha, tmr is tennis day (and church! how many weeks have i skipped church). hahaha, i must go! WELL, its raining now, cool air, and best condition for sleeping. i dont want to sleep when the rain has stopped! its getting smaller now so i must type faster and sleep faster! (funny how bimbo this sounds, must be because im talking to a bimbo right now) hahaha, so cya in my lalaland (;

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