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A free saturday.

Tomorrow, or rather today is a saturday! one that hasn’t come in a while, a saturday with totally no plan, nothing! (: hah, despite how good it sounds, it doesn’t really is good at all. exams is 3 (THREE?!) weeks away and for the record, i haven’t start studying. OKAY, forget even studying, i haven’t even catch up with my work! im still lagging behind my lessons :\ there are two tests next week and im really not prepared, especially for the stupid subject called material science. well, having a free saturday is good in the sense that i HAVE THE TIME to work, and at least narrow the gap between me and my work. But, having the time doesnt mean that i will use the time well. :\. I WANT TO MUG TOMORROW. remind me to.

in another quite unrelated issue, my sleeping LEVEL may have improved, now i cant even HEAR any sound! haha, well 15 missed calls and i didn’t hear any! my big doraemon clock doesn’t help too! luckily my sense of touch still can be my backup, im quite sensitive to that when im asleep. if not, consider me a dead body already. Today seems to be a good day for my body, i was awoken by alot of things! including phone calls! (: haha, thanks to kong and daphne. Hopefully it will keep improving back to my normal light sleeping days (:

Yesterday was PA march camp, i DID went back to school! (dunno how long since i last came back there) meet alot of new juniors! (which are still really small and young). haha, well i missed the feeling of being a senior, being the oldest around :P HAHAHA.. i came like around 12am though, when all the activities finished already and we just talk cock and badminton the whole night. FUN. went back early in the morning to go for my 830 lesson though. ahaha..


yh, jialin, huzi, mx and ivan! haha, seniors came to play too, it was nostalgic. i feel like organizing another reunion outing again. but, well, wait after all the exams and stupid stuffs have finished (: juniors are great, can see the leadership potential in them already (: heh, feels good getting back to your almamater, i missed the school so much (:

in another totally unrelated issue, a few days ago, NTU was covered by flowers! i wonder is this the feeling during the fall season? or during sakura season? hehe, the scenery was beautiful, its a pity i dont have the time to go around the campus to take pic. just from one place only.

and just yesterday was our D2E last performance too! (at least before exams, who knows what will happen after –.-) haha, well, after so much that has happened, i feel close to this family too (: im going to miss all of you and all the stupid things we do! :’) macs breakfast, supper, delivery! and 30 minutes packing time after the first “lets go!” all the nonsense from all of you! whines from grace, stupid LAME jokes from nicole, the scary japanese fringe from wanfong, and the indon gang usual everyday fantastic lifestyle. hahaha.. and well, after talking to wenhao about this issue too, i feel more aware of what i want and what im supposed to do. (:

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