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lengthy update

this will certainly on of the longer entry since such a long time before i create an entry as long as this. theres some random things that i feel like writing and since now im at some apartment with my mom, grandpa, grandma, auntie, grandauntie, and granduncle, as u can guess im quite bored and i have quite some time to burn (where actually i need to write some scholarship essay) but what the hell :p

well, the first thing that i feel like talking about is the NTU stabbing case. well, although at first it seems a BIT strange to me, since everyone dismisses it as a suicide case, well, why think too much and worry for nothing. since everyone made it such a joke (esp that i fit all the description!) thanks to joli for the "hey, did you commit suicide" sms.

didnt know that its such a big case back in indo, even the family is invited to news station because they are not satisfied with the explanation given by NTU. alot of twisted facts, rumors and alot of things happening here and well it seems even weirder! well, now there is no cutting marks on the wrists, but instead it was on his neck. slashing or stabbing, still unconfirmed. no autopsy result, no comment from the stabbed prof, no further investigation, no handle on the murderer weapon, running one level down before jumping, well, just some random things :p if u wanna read more, you can go here.

well, maybe its just too much detective conan, kindaichi, and schoolQ. haha. oops enough crap said. so crappy this part.

and next part! today is the midterm quiz for CS100 communication studies. haha, i wasnt prepared at all, was cheating wenhao all the way where wenhao was cheating ryankong all the way :p i guess it was quite a good attempt i dont feel i will get so bad for the quiz. hehe, but the important thing is about understanding the subject, RIGHT? haha.

cos right now, i am finding it hard to communicate effectively with the older generations! :\ find it quite hard to talk to them, being interesting and feeling interested. hah, well, lucky its still okay with my mom so at least i got someone to chat with. haha. craps. I MUST MUG HARDER.

and u know what, even im bored typing all these. and now i think its not that long.. ahaha.. im sure you never even reach this line.. hahahaha..

and anyway apparently the blogskin managed to trick somemore people XD HAHAHA..

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