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Weekend! guess the only time i can update is on weekends :X haha..

Hav been a busy week this week again,
Mon - Jazznite rehearsal
Tue - supposed to do training manual but slacked
Wed - Training + meeting
Thu - Jazznite final rehearsal
Fri - MLDDS drama rehearsal

Yep, so, Jazznight totally rocks, $7 is nothing considering the performances. really totally high class standard :X haha.. PA did what we've never did before too, haha, used almost all of our euqipments to support our concert. LIGHTS abit flop though, thanks to the light-man hopefully he doesnt screw up on monday.. Cant wait for the real deal on monday! (:

MLDDS totally wasted our time, requested frm 3pm-11pm.. ended up sitting there playing UNO till 7, decided to ask what they REALLY NEED from PA, and found out they dont need our help.. i dunno whether i can stand next week rehearsals.. suck..

so, next week,
mon - Jazznite!
wed - ??
thu - MLDDS
fri - MLDDS
sat - college day

i think thats it ;p
i dont want to be just another one of yours..
haha, and it was a fun day today, hee, im very happy now (; haha. thanks to you (; haha..
cos i know ure not just another one of mine.

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