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love like you've never been hurt.
i really wish for this.

from John Grey's
"Men are from mars, Women are from Venus: The essential MARS and VENUS"

The Twelve Primary Love Needs
Men and women are generally unaware that they have different emotional needs. As a result, they do not instictively know how to support each other. Men typically give in relationships what men want, while women give what women want. Each mistakenly assumes that the other has the same needs and desires.

1. She needs Caring
He needs Trust
2. She needs Understanding
He needs Acceptance
3. She needs Respect
He needs Appreciation
4. She needs Devotion
He needs Admiration
5. She needs Validation
He needs Approval
6. She needs Reassurance
He needs Encourangement
Sigh.. i want you to know everything, yet deep down there, im scared.

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