i love you and i always do..

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it had been around one day.. and i cant stand it..
treasure what you have now, cos you will regret when you dont..
thats sounds quite true for me..
maybe the right thing to say is, "hey! this works!"
but there is no time for that, i got something worse to worry about.. i hope i dont lose you..
perhaps now u are standing where i was, feeling what i felt?
and i am standing where you were, and perhaps im feeling what u felt..
i hope this can end soon..
i miss those times..
how it seems so funny that you dont see whats infront of you when its there..
but when its faraway, you can see it more clearly than anything else, and only think about it
i was taking you for granted.and now im losing you.
hmm, watched 2 movies today, and find that i can totally relate me to the story.. hmm, one of them is Family Guy, Season 3, episode 6, "death lives" and i guess i gotta learn from the movie..
oh, dont mind me again.. sigh..
not-so-happy day.. ):
9:17 PM
yepp, i asked for it
so if i dont get back what i used to have is entirely my fault..
and thats a risk i gotta take..
sorry for all these times..
11:33 PM
i dont need anything else..
oh dont mind me, this is just crap :D
happy day! (;
5:30 PM
it doesnt matter even if you've done you're best,
doing well is whats counts.
harry potter and the deathly hallows was, and is, and will be forever magnificent and a perfect masterpiece.. no matter how others may criticize the book, JK rowling is still the best ever.. it should be included in the "7 wonders of the world". simply put, no words can describe the harry potter series.. it was the best ever.. and too bad it has to end.. i really dont want it to end..
and the fact that its a present from my exco just complete the book! thanks yea!
Okay, better not go to SPOILER mode.. :D haha.. maybe later (:
i open at the close
oops oops spoiler spoiler.. :P
Death is but crossing the world, as friends do the sead; they live in one another still. For they must needs be oresent, that love and live in that which is omnipresent. In this divine glass they see face to face; and their converse is free, as well as pure. This is the comfort of friends, that though they may be said to die, yet their friendship and society are, in the best sense ever present, because immortal.
it is not you im angry at
it is not us im angry at
it is the situation im angry at
but a promise is a promise
as i had said
it will not be a problem
at least for me
10:37 PM
ah, boring..
nothings happening..
hmm, singles or doubles?
doubles with who?
if got thrased damn malu.. hahaha..
sian la..
today went to vivo with some PA ppl.. FUN! so long never had this fun (: ah i miss them..
11:52 PM
yay.. i love popular..
they are attending to my request of issuing a new receipt..
i hope i can get it, at least it will save me $20 and make me feel less bad ;p
popular rock ;p
11:03 AM
hoey! (: updating! (:
ah i think i am having terrible luck lately..
HARRY POTTER BOOK 7! that my pa exco SUPPOSED to give me on my birthday.. ah, i feel really stupid, idiot, silly and totally useless.. sigh.. hmm, it goes like this. they gave me a plastic bag with some really stupid book that you can see in the previous post, and its for women somemore.. ya, i thot that was a joke, or something like that.. cos i also give weird2 things to people, i thot they also gave me somw weird things.. it turns out that it was a COMPLEMENTARY gift when you pre-order the harry potter book.. and THE ENVELOPE containing the RECEIPT and the BOOK MONEY was inside the plastic bag.. being stupid, i never see the envelope, take out the book , read the intro page, it says 'for women' , i put it aside.. and sleep.. at that time, the plastic bag was still there and i totally cant recall what happen to it.. on 4th July, exactly 1 month after my bday -.- elaine told me dont forget to collect your harry potter book at 21st.. i was recalling and before she said anything i know something really bad going to happen.. i was like @#$%^&*()_ sh*t f*ck a**hole.. ahh.. sigh.. and yea, sorry excos, really sorry.. and really thanks alot for the gift.. sigh, it still affect me until now.. not mainly of the book or money, but the fact that i waste somebody's present.. i lost something that people gave to me, and worst is the 'people' here are my pa excos, who are closest to me for this 2 years.. who ive worked with at good times and bad times.. sigh..
next worse:
COMMON TEST! wtfffffffffffff.. yea, thats the word.. this is the worst common test ever, i hope nothing like this will come again.. i hope the physics and chem teacher become sober and got out of their trance.. what the sh*t are they thinking setting a paper like that?!!! this leave a SCAR in my entire physics test grade.. sigh.. HAHA, very funny NJ physics teachers..
not being able to do PA now.. sigh.. although its been a month, still cant bear not to go to hall control.. weird after schools, weird free periods.. sorry juniors if my presence there disturb yall.. just dont know how yet..
my arm very pain! ouch! oops sorry.. haha, stupid bowling..
and alot of badd badd things.. sigh.. yea, im not really HAPPY right now.. haha..
but put that aside, im still lucky that i have you! ;p
5:32 PM
just opened the book my PA friends gave me on my birthday, cos when i tried to read it last time, it was a book for FEMALE.. hahaa, but aniwae, better than left unread, i shall read it and share here (:
Too much information
yeppp, done for today.. thats from the book, not saying whether its correct or wrong. whether i agree or not. but self improvement book is all like that, either you accept it or you dont..
more updates next time (;
10:51 PM
Blog Archive
- i love you and i always do..(:
- it had been around one day.. and i cant stand it.....
- yepp, i asked for itso if i dont get back what i u...
- -editedi dont need anything else..oh dont mind me,...
- it doesnt matter even if you've done you're best,d...
- ah, boring..nothings happening..hmm, singles or do...
- yay.. i love popular..they are attending to my req...
- hoey! (: updating! (:ah i think i am having terrib...
- heyo, here im back updating (:just opened the book...