my body clock is finally back to normal..... if im staying in israel that is. well, seems like GMT +8 is not my timezone already. it has been improving lately though, but sleeping time stays constant around 4-6am, the waking up time have the largest standard deviation. perhaps, 7am-5pm? i had this idea though, why not i change all my clock to the new zealand time? then by default, sleeping at 5am means sleeping at 12pm!
this is the new zealand time, but i think again, maybe not during the exam period. ill miss all my papers.
nonsense stops there. exams has already begun and my first paper was today, CS100, managable yet theres no comparative advantage against anyone, everyone has the same chance to score well and thats why im scared about the result. but whats done is done, next week will be packed with 3 exams and next next week another 3. i still haven't figure out how to finish studying all those (yet i managed to take some time to watch movie, blog, etc.) that sounds bad, ok maybe im exaggerating. well, my desktop has a countdown already, and i think my blog should have one too! so here it is! (its damn ugly i cant find a more normal one)
back to some nonsensical stuff, was mugging EE2003 just now and found this doodles on one of the pages. haha, this one is quite funny i got no idea what made me draw that last time. you know that doodling subject is an unconcious thought based on your mood/feeling. yeah.. imagine..

and then on my way back to my room i saw a pretty and quite big moth outside kong's room, decided to take a shot but blame my current height (which most likely my permanent height) or my digital phone camera (i want a DSLR seriously), the shot isnt that nice, so whatever photoshop give me, i shall put here (:

well, not here for long, going back to mugging (of course after an episode of the big bang theory), hopefully no more posts till the end of exam cos as you know its gonna be mundane and boring posts.)
edit: was finding a nicer countdown and i thought i had put some countdowns last time. well, reading archives is funny yet hurtful at times. but it was fun indeed (:
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