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0.. nil.. zip.. zipper..

still hanging on this button (:

dead.. im dead.. im just so damn tired. cant believe its so tiring to NOT SELL ANYTHING. oh man, standing up the whole day, desperately trying to convince people to buy the laptop. oh man. this is super NOT WORTH IT. working time is almost 12hrs. and u guess how much i got? $35. yea. even lesser than my 2 hrs tuition. yea.

oh cmon! who go to hougang mall to buy a laptop?! get your sense working man! i rather you post me at funan or simlim. even with thousands of competition, at least ONE (1) will buy from me! RATHER THAN post me to HOUGANG MALL. total sales of today = 2 (two) acer laptop. one of which only cost $888. cheapos.

ARGH, im going to die if im working like this 7 days a week. still kena scold summore if got customer not attended. IF I APPROACH THE CUSTOMER, THEY RUN! (i also will run if a sales approach me) cmon la. let me sell this myself.

oh mans. i really have no mood to post any fun things today. no mood to search for it. hmm, but i guess i can post something that ty emailed to me.

how to de-stress, by mr bean.

oh yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to VERNON! haha, muttons are still my fave.

and a thank you to elaine for visiting me today (: yays.

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