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vacation, anyone?

so i met this girl at my workplace there who recommend this website to me. she told me she only spend a total of $100 for 3 days of vacation. from then on, I REALLY WANNA GO. haha, i really need a vacation, AT THE SAME TIME, budget vacation. XD

basically, i describe the website for you lazy people. its a place to stay at bintan la, super cheap place, ferry there. for details check out yourself, and im gonna put some pics.

ok ill break down the APPROX COST for you.
2-way ferry = S$30
2-way transport from harbour to place = Rp. 40,000
accommodation = Rp. 150,000/hut/night
3 days = Rp. 445,000 = S$ 74.17
5 days = Rp. 595,000 = S$ 99.17
(price assuming S$1=Rp 6,000 and 2 people sharing one hut)

additional cost for shopping and other activities = should be very little. HAHAHA.

Some suggested activities:
1. Visit a Kelong Drum (Floating House)
2. Trikora Beach
3. Trekking
4. Sports
5. Snorkeling

ok, does that interest you? if you are interested, TELL ME! i need travelling partner now! XD haha, more people more fun! so if you got friends want to go also lets all go tgt, at the same time expand our circle maybe (: hhehehe.

i really need a vacation, havent had one in a long time. ah, i need to go somewhere relaxing to temporarily forget all the problems and troubles in life, forget all the decisions and homeworks that i need to do. forget everything and life a carefree life. just 3 days, or even one week, i need it! haha. vacation is crucial, esp if you life in singapore! XD

how about june? anyone? YOU WHOS READING THIS? haha.

cmon, we will have some fun.

pretty please?

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