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short post

finally, a long well deserved break after standing up for 4 days. my leg need massage. finally i can play game till late without any worries. (still worried though, cos tmr needa wake up early for pa interview :p) and im dreading next thursday. :\

anyway, today i made a silly mistake in viwawa. zany bridge, i chose myself as the partner! HAHA, typical level 1 noob move. BUT, BUT, look at this.

this is gooood win (: my first, (and most prob the only) SOLO WIN!

anyway i heard that the scholarship results has came out, i din get any leh :( im sad. ahh.

pedra blanca belongs to singapore, and two small rocks belong to malaysia. haha. anyway, the decision is on friday night, and wiki alr update it! fast huh.


so damned small still wanna fight.

so unimportant.

and fuel hike increase anger indonesians. University students throw molotov cocktails and demonstrate at midnight. this just show how STUPID is those university students. COME ON, you are in the university level already and you still dont know WHY THERE IS A NEED OF A FUEL HIKE. use your brain man. no wonder our education so backward, go jail lah. study in school also dont understand that the fuel price NEEDS to increase. idiots. HOW TO IMPROVE you tell me. run away fast.

blah blah, not so short afterall.. 4am now. normal time. lazy la.

goodnight my dear!

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