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lack of sleep

hoah, ytd slept at 330am, today woke up at 7am. seriously tired and sleepy. but what to do.. sigh..

went to nus science open house + talk this morning (in case you dont know, NUS accept me for science. WTH) i didn even get into chem eng. so, their effort to psycho me to join NUS today is quite unsuccessful, although there are some programmes that i really like, but its just not good enuff. some of the interesting programmes include:
1. Double Major, Physics + Life Science
2. Double Degree, Physics + Material science and engineering
3. Double Degree + masters with France Grande Ecole university. (in fact this is the most interesting one, i really wanna go there! somemore you will learn french!) but i may not dare to take the risk. later i kena physics only hor. die for sure.

so most probably now my choice is already decided, NTU EEE (electrical and electronic engineering) concurrent with Georgia Tech MS ECE (Master of Science, Electrical and computer engineering). the problem is just the cost ): yep. 90% sure ill choose NTU now. now psychoing wenhao and oe. hehehe.

anyway thats the job of a promoter ma, psycho people, not good also say good, bad also say until like very good. compare to other brand always say own brand so much nicer. next time when u buy something, dont listen to promoter, they onli promote their stuff. ON THE OTHER HAND, dont listen to store keeper also, they only want to clear unsold stocks. so, trust your own research, forums, or experienced friends (:

so next tues again is the GenACTS NTU campus tour, but the stupid big guy arrange for sushi lunch buffet. no wonder he is big. ehehehehe.

and pa june camp is coming soon! really looking forward to it, especially the reunion part with my ol' buddies (:

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