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mother's day this friday.

go Raffles Place MRT on this FRIDAY, 5pm, bring ur mom! HAHA, meet justin and vernon there! they are giving flower :p

mm, what is this feeling. do i know?

mutton's bloopers. lol.

OH MAN A MAN NAMED FAIZAL CALLED MUTTONS! IT REALLY SOUNDS LIKE FAIZAL NJ COUNCIL PRES!!!!! on 'you complain'. oh man.. anyone caught it and think so too? XD

just watched family guy S08 EP11-12. still as funny as ever.

and OH the henca person called me and said i still have no work this week ): oh no oh no, and again, i really have nothing to doooo.. noooooooo... and NEXT WEEK, im working from 12-18! 7 days o.O oh crap.

71 words


after like hundred times of trying finally i beat wenhao. exhausting.

ohh this feeling, what should i do?

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