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holiday (:

i slept at 6am yesterday o.O or should i say this morning. hahaha. viwawa all the way XD so i caught 1st 1 hr of the new show dan and histen in the morning. They sounded exactly the same -.- i cant tell who is who! hahaha. soon soon. :p and i wanna watch the showdown! 987 team is playing! but cant, i have work ): ahh, all the best to the 987 team then!

anyway today got the scam msg from ty. hahahaha, to whoever created these chain msgs ah: "you got nothing else to do issit?" but this msg not bad reach until muttons today! haha, and of course they laugh at it, and say maybe your thing will get smaller. XD muttons is the funniest la. btw theres this no bra day last time when muttons is still in the morning, take a look at the hillarious video!

funny :p

anyway about my work, now im posted to TAKA (again) best denki. its located at lvl 5 in case some of you dont know that THERE IS A BEST DENKI AT TAKA. haha, i myslef never go in there till ytd. ITS SO INACCESSIBLE! hopefully i can sell some la. if not just take blind salary. WASTE TIME.

went to sch meet ivan and mx today, then go with wenhao to visit oe at night, and we played arcade again. haha, waste money sia. played go go jungle again. waste money. but fun :p

pa outing seems to be screwed. dont expect it to be this saturday.

okay maybe some update later!

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