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HEY HEY im back! haha, i realised that these last few days my blogging style is abit different, no more detailed context. RIGHT? haha, i dont know whether i should write this way, but anyway, right now just dont feel like writing long and windy story of my daily life experience in detail. xD

but this morning was damn hillarious and irritating! i took the usual 961 at 645, usual timing, abit later, and hoping to reach NJ at around 745 just nice for the morning activity! (: put on my earphones, listened to 98.7, daniel and young (issit?) and woke up at 800. i looked around, uh oh, where is this? suddenly a road name zoom pass me, "bukit merah". my face was like :O.. WTH, overslept also dont overslept so far can or not! so i pressed the bell, went down, crossed the overhead bridge, and waited for another 961 to come. while i was waiting, i tried to count the number of bustops i missed. 19 busstops. thats just great. the last time i miss my NJ bustop, i woke up at dhoby ghaut MRT. same crap. so finally 961 came, and i reached school at 831. yea, bell rang, mr tong shouted at everybody, RUN! everybody around me ran, but obviously i cant run right, im wearing the normal teachers suit! if i run, so WEIRD. haha, so i decided to stroll (actually quite fast) while mr tong keep shouting at my direction (i hope he wasnt shouting at me) hahaha. and that was today.

pa got alot alot of story now. haha, im happy to see it so active! esp pa tagboard on pa blog (: woohoo, and im happy to see the j1s starting to enjoy pa and consider pa like a family (: pa is my family. hmm, stories will come up soon on the pa blog i guess, go and see!

and and, szemin's last day tmr. gonna miss her sitting beside me and crapping and slacking and complaining about some irritating students xD haha, good luck on wherever you go next. and its another week for me :\

hopefully can stayover at ryan's place tmr! (: itll be fun.

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