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first and foremost, congrats to NJWD for becoming the CHAMPION of todays danceworks! (: for the other njwd team, yours are also very good! just bad luck xP

hahaha, funny why i write abt njwd here -.- but the truth is i feel quite close to the people there. of course i mean the seniors (: (and i know some of the juniors too (: ) hahaha, all of my good friends are there too (: HAHA, i find myself coming to all of their performances since my 1st year in nj till now. WOW. xP i can be the permanent photographer alr xP HAHAHA >.<

but i saw a small boy dancer today. bboy. crazy man. im sure hes only like 8 yrs old?!?! i wish i could do what he did. backflip, tripod, headstand, one hand freeze, etc xP

SO ANYWAY, TODAY WAS SUPER FUN BECAUSE I GOTTA MEET MY CRAZY BUDDIES! wenhao, oe, darius! hahaha, i can only go crazy with them xP crazy as in REALLY crazy and high and stuffs. dont know, i think its different when it comes to close indon guy friends. (WENHAO is half indon alr xP) HAHAHA.. WENT SUPER HIGH. and that was really fun. really miss them.

and as i was saying to elaine ytd, FRIEND is always number 1. HEHE, cant do without them. never see them for so long, its just so so nice to see them and talk to them again! AHHH, i wanna stay with them again. AND as usual, PHOTOS :D

eating at carl's junior VIVOCITY

stanley on PES 2008, PS3 vs some random guy. stanley LOST! xP

and this is MAS DARIUS! HAHAHA, (btw if posting this kind of pic can get me into jail, please tell me! xP)

AH YES. so tmr IM BACK TO WORK (: hopefully i can adjust fast because not teaching for one week already make me rusty xP

and hopefully can get to play badminton with OE and DARIUS tmr! so long! (:

to cass, here is the post! hehehe, so honoured you got wait, so i shall mention you in this post. HAHAHA.. come pa more often! (: obsessed girl.

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