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tuesDAY (:

and yes, as im back to teaching, school life is getting funner and funner (: only got one class today, but did the enrichment week practical for the IP3s after school! ITS SO FUN! compared to the JC1 one, obviously, the equipments are more EXPENSIVE and high tech too! BUT, i cant write whats the practical here xP the teachers will kill me.

and of course, NJ means PA. HEHE, today szemin ask me that question again. "whats so fun about school? why you always stay in school until so late? WHY? I DONT UNDERSTAND!" haha, i guess noone can understand la, so i dont bother explaining again. but im sure some of you understand, right? PA PPL???? xP

stayed in sch till 7pm today, usual timing, just stone in control, but before that there was training (: although i miss the training, but some of the j1s stayed after that to play CARD GAMES! (oh we are back to square one, card game) HAHA, how nostalgic. im glad that alot of the j1s are quite active and enthu!!!! YAY PA! forever(:

took bus home with zhiping, ping lin and tingyun (: persuaded them to go pa camp and do band concert event xP HAHA, pinglin stays at the same place with zp, and tingyun stays near me, so i can take bus back with her xP HAHAHA, and can you read the post now already? xD

woohoo, camp attendance not bad! looking VERY forward to it (:

and FROM THIS POST ONWARDS, it is a must to include a photo/picture in every single one of my post. if only words very boring xP so, din take any pic today, so im posting this.

woohoo, quite nice leh (:, but really, singapore will die if they cant catch this short guy

AND it has been one month since i start using contacts xP so NOW i need your (my readers) opinion! TAG, contact or specs better? xD EHEHEHEHEH.. and that will be my primary tool that i shall use xP

maybe will edit this post again later when the night is already old xP oh im getting lame, must be because of tingyun xP TMRWS BAND CONCERT REHEARSAL (: im gonna stayyy as usual xP

so jinghui asked me to go support RVchinese dance, cos 2 of my students are performing, junkai and xiaopeng, SATURDAY 15 MARCH 2008, 730 pm, Victoria Concert Hall, ticket price $10, 15, 20! i wanna go! but not alone! anyone want to go? (:

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