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JEN's birthday!

another late night out. reached home around same time as yesterday, but tonight i dont feel as sleepy as ytd, so can post abit longer. but not so long, just summary xD and photos will be posted on some other posts to come. and yes, tmr i need to wake up early again. need to sleeeepp..

so yesterday was a friday. right. stayed in sch till quite late, late for meeting with nina (around 1 hr late), and made her pissed off.. haha, then we went to eat dinner, me, nina, elaine and chingsoon. oh what a lightbulb. haha, guess i shouldnt hav gone. but nvm, it was quite fun. and quite money wasting xD. haha. lucky was able to catch the last train.

today is a saturday. went to elaines hse in the morning to tutor kenneth. it was kinematics and vectors, and when i look through the syllabus, i wonder why dont they combine JC and secondary sch altogether -.- but nevermind that, then we (me, ivan, elaine) went to ac funorama. met quite alot of people there. lets see who i can recall. (in order of appearance) cass and bf, some of s19 ppl (cant recall who. think got li lin n some others), some scholars juniors fr inova, jinghui, shuyi, levon, shibin and junkai, then met irma, bagus. also met alvin fr NTU, yangzhi, weiyuan, thika, dinda, xiaopeng errrr, thats all that i can recall meeting xD ACJC funorama totally trash NJ.

then went to bugis to buy present, desperately trying to call elaine to ask abt the present but just couldnt get to her. so we (me and ivan) just bought something. then went to city hall to meet jen. then we went to timbre. elaine and chingsoon came late to join us to celebrate jen's birthday there. was a fun night.

and i declare that bloody mary is on my banned list. its so bloody it bleeds me inside out.

ah i feel lonely. again.

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