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oh my my my, i just counted my income and spendings. and i got a jaw dropping figure. spent $400+ on this last week, oh nono, im going to save save and save this week. give me a slap in the face if you see me spending! ):

soo, today in school was a normal day, and then after school i went to watch movie with joli. a looooooonng overdue treat because i broke her leg last time in J1. hahaa, or issit j2? yea aniwae, we went to catch the student price! :p and watch a kiddy movie, the spiderwick chronicle. kiddy, like jolly. haha, but not bad la, and because its only $6. dinner at pepperlunch before going home, filled in the stupid survey. haha, its great to see you again jol! gain more weight! jiayou! haha, she said she wanna compete post length, come! hahaha.. here is a photo.

soo, apart from my pathetic spending, everythings alright now. i feel less emo now also. haha, dunno why suddenly got emo attack. grrr..

also have been wondering. who are my close friends. who has always been my close friends. i cant feel of any now. where are they. or perhaps. where am i for them. sigh. i suck at this kinda situation.

and yeah, gotta start making report of the classes, s21, s19 and s08 for mrs teai so that she can continue from where i left off. ohh noooo, i dont want to go :x haha, summore its one of my fave topic now. dynamics. ahhhh, im counting down now, 4 more days. (actually 3 more because of the council election speech) and that also means 3 more days of steady income ): then. no more. the NUH secretary is as slow as a wols.

april's fool guys. do your best (: you keep smiling without saying any words.

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