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this will be quite a long post (:

today should be one of my happiest day so far. eventhough im very sleepy right now, i gonna slap myself awake to type this post. this all happens because of all of your wishes!! (:

(: received my A level result, and all the feelings suddenly come when i was queuing, lucky i never faint, trembling fingers when i receive the result slip, when i sign the paper :S REALLY DAMN SCARED! and as u know, i open to see one thing only.

oh my surprise surprise, this will consume a 1 year luck!

the list of 4 h2 distinctions! (:

for 3 h2 distinction

B! oh my! YEAAAAAAHHHHH MANNN!! I CAN NEVER BELIEVE THIS! OH! THIS CANT HAPPEN WITHOUT ALL THE LUCK IN THE WORLD, and i really got all the luck in the world, because of all of your wishes and supports! (:

thanks! to all my classes, for some of you who sms me and wish me good luck, it was really sweet and i love you all! (': to name some, xiaopeng, ningxin, benghao, shuyi. THANKS for the msgs! (funny cos all the msg i receive are from my students xP) and also to those who wished me luck on the day or before the day, this is just too many! almost all of 08s21 and 08s19 and some 08s08. THANKS ALOT GUYSS.. youre the bestest classes i ever had (:

also thanks to the PA juniors! who wishes me the best of luck directly on indirectly! (: thks for the goodluck msg fr tingyun, and the special mention on cass's blog! also thanks for the tag on pa blog to grace, hsiangwei and mok(: haha, today i really got all the luck in the world.

and thanks to my other friends, the indon scholars, nannett, hari, jen2 and everyone who wished me luck! (: i love each one of you!

and also to the others who i havent mention! sorry if i forget to mention you, but really, your wish means ALOT to me. (:

AND OF COURSE, i wanna thank my parents for the support that they give me until now, without them, i cant go this far. THANKS (: thanks for the trust, thanks for the prayer, thanks for everything.

most importantly, i thank God, for all this. He will make a way, when there seems to be no way. this is a miracle for me (:

okayyyyyyy, enough of thanking. im just so happy with my result. (im only quite dissapointed with PASS for my H3, but its expected, heck care la hor? :p

then today went to band concert with pa, event well done. thanks to the crew! and after dunno how long, finally we got a after event dinner again! 10 people come! wow! thats the spirit of pa man! yayy! i cant wait for pa camp!! PLEASE dont pangseh hor ;p

thanks to the crew today, event smooth, thanks for the fun yall bring during the event, and thanks for the enthuness to go out to eat dinner after event. this is my family (: and of course, some random photos of today! will double post on pa blog too :p

during event, control.

the crew with self timer (:
the crew, of course with mixer

towards main gate!

usual walking out of school during night time!

large french fries, zp treat!

this is the crew (:

hsiangwei, siyuan, and tingyun

nic and yineng

samuel, hw, and zp

Grace and me

all of us who went to kap (:

OKAY the sleepy attack is coming, some of the picture tag is not the one i took! ahahaha, cant think what to say/write. too confused. xP GOODNIGHT!

once again, thanks, for everthing.

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