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busy wednesDAY!

so today was quite busy busy busy! this is how today goes. early in the morning after assembly, i gotta prepare question for a surprise small test, i compiled them from 2006/2007 common test/promo/prelim questions! haha, then do all cutting, pasting photocopying until the 1st lesson starts, which is at 940. Gave the test to that class, ALMOST everyone didnt finish the test, (quite hard laaa, i chose the ones i last time cant do xP) then after that got another class, used the whole period to go through some kinematics discussion and give them answers! i hope they will start doing homework after holiday! xP then i got quite some free time to make another set of test papers for the other class, and i used the time till the lesson start. so gave the test again. this time, more people finished it.

FINISHED teaching, but still need to invigilate STAR and ORION programme at LT1, it was quite damn boring and tiring, waste time. lucky there was mr nick chan, who enlighten me about engineering courses!

FINIDHED invigilating at 450, then went to PA for band concert tech run that ended at 830 slack event lahhhhhh. im very very very sleepy now, and i still got some marking to do, must finish! sad, even as i type this my eyes are very heavy already!

some random photos again! xP

Ani Anime Animation PA crews, zp fot friend!

mervyn the lightsman

this is what my stupid library computer show me.

wooo, my collection of movie tixects xP

LOOK CLOSELY! issit nice? xP HAHAHA..

okay im just VERY tired now. really nodding my way to sleep, cant even think and arrange words to form a senctece.

today morning met ty on 961! haha super funny cos ytd just talked about why we take same bus but never see each other! hahaha, then went home with zp and ty also, hahahaha..friday must go eat.. yay, good that you sign up for this event!.. HAHA, next event, dash and splash xP

OKAY i really cant think of words, and i jus finish marking, i think all the marks are blurr marks. cant think, later i type wrong. i wanna sleep. nights.

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