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nothing interesting

besides waking up damn early this morning and squeezing on 154, i guess nothing interesting happen today. haha, went to island creamery though, with the phy relief team! :p and decided to create a facebook group. aniwae, here is the picture (:

find this photo when you go to island creamery!

other than that, today i taught 2 classes, oh i like teaching. and i like it more if the whole class response to me. haha, but, i dont think ill take teaching as a career. its different when you are old, and you are teaching small students. just like how i dont want to teach secondary school student now because they are just too small for me! i detest kids xD hahaha..

and friday will be fun cos ill be staying over at oe's place again i guess! but i dowan these few weeks to pass so fast ):

oh and got some photos from past days (:

usual shots with elaine xD

at NTU alumni house! buona vista.

same place, same occasion :D

oh and im listening to radio, 98.7. and i found something very sweet.
theres this girl who calls the deejay and said that she wants to dedicate the song 'Im Yours - Jason Mraz' to her boyfriend, because he hasn't call her for the whole day. she said she thinks that he forgot to bring handphone, but she think he is listening to the radio. AHH, i found that call very sweet. :x haha, my usual reaction will be "WHAT THE HECK, one day never call also complain so much already, one day only wont die lah." haha, and i dunno why this time i felt a different feeling. maybe its the song. maybe its the way she said it. not the clingy type, not the needy type. but only reminding the boyfriend that, shes his. haha, aniwae, i like that song.

haha, on radio 24/7 these days xD

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