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design & technology, wth.

okay, we start with yesterday. no post yesterday because when i went home, after i ate dinner and took bath, i started transferring data from my phone to this computer, cos i want to burn everything in this laptop to dvds (because i need to part with this laptop tmr ):) okay, so when i was transferring 1.6GB of data using a USB data cable, it took like 40 minutes. so i got on my bed, waiting, wait wait wait, suddenly dark, and woke up. 5.25am. just NICE, 5 minutes before my alarm ring. WHAT THE HECK. crap, i wasted the whole night. T.T never went online, never do any work, never backup any data! lucky i still got today to back everything up.

oh yes, today i MUST backup everything, and destroy this fake OS in this laptop, come with no sound, leave with no trace. haha, the bad thing is, my slow laptop has gone FAR slower. it took half an hour to startup, and another half an hour to shutdown. i cant press anything when the computer is on, because it wont respond! too lag! overload of data, installation files, registry, quarantined virus and trojans, etc etc, and WORST is my fan refused to spin (as a result of hitting it over and over again) so, the processor can only work in its SLOWEST speed. the speed that doesnt generate any heat and doesnt require cooling from the fan. its like, slower than pentium 0. oh great, toshiba service centre, where are you?

haha, yesterday was council election day, quite fun looking at people, going around the school, observing events, playing cards (which you shouldnt do during event and in the end got scolded by zp xD) haha, good event IC. (: and yes, just stay in the hall control for the rest of the day till 730pm. haha, it seems like last year before handover xD

and you know what, this morning KEITH came to me and said, "i think you will start your work next week, but im still not sure what day, im waiting for school's approval. you will be helping on college day, and also designing curriculum for the new IP -1 and 0 (which are the sec1 and sec2s, as it goes ip-1, ip0,ip1,2,3,4) designing curriculum for the subject of DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY, im sure you are very suitable for this job as you are very well equipped with your PA knowledge and you can use that to plan the curriculum." okay, thats what he said. oh man. the stupid NUH person haven't contact me yet, so HOW? i want this job! but i also need the internship ):

ohman. im at my table in the staffroom now, this is my 2nd last day sitting here. i think. and later lesson at 1.10pm with 08s21. oh man. oh man.

OH, check PA BLOG for the next outing (:

tag replies.
pork: nope nope, even faster than your record breaking shitting speed xD (uh it sounds damn disgusting)
Mokha: haha, ill be seeing you in pa now, not in class xD
Hsiangwei: haha, now i got big chance to stay leh xD yay for me :p

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