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wahaha, i woke up this morning because of a call from irma. OFFERING ME A JOB! woohoo, one week job! become a translator for a lawyer! (: (: (: (: this is like another job exposure, only this time related to law :p and this time i got paid! ayyyayyy. THANKS IRMA! haha, i think i go too happy i go spend like shit again :p

so actually i got another pair of shoe today -.- okay la its not actually a pair, but its two different shoes :p cos i buy one and oe buy one then we swap xD haha, roomates.. xD its abit funny though, cos the shoes are not only different in colors, but also in the design! so maybe people will think i steal the shoe from somewhere :p but darn i spend again. its just ytd that i put 'another pair of shoe' to my shopping list.

ooh, and lets see how much i earn by the end of this week, if possible, ill get a PSP by then :p but then again, STJ coming this saturday! haha gonna spend again.

so tmr will be another job with lawyer, and at 6pm will be the promoter training (: yay, starting to get busy! i love this (:

tag replies:
hsiangwei: you ah, racist! hahahaah.. :p but from your blog then i know why cass dont let me come on fri! hahaha..
wh: lets see, maybe because there is you around carrying this very bad aura u see xD
christin: haha, sabar aja sabar aja tin! nus punya masi lama kok :p (kayaknya) santai aja santai, n beli oleh2 yg banyak :D
grace: wooohoo, we are cool people. i wonder why suddenly got alot of people having ulcer xD hahaha, must be the virus :p

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