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GI tract!

today is my first day doing the job shadowing/attachment in NUH! to sum it up, it is fun and enjoyable (:

im attached to the gastro department, today was with the GI/liver division. i did ward rounds with the consultants today and also clinics. wanna give a big THANK YOU to Dr. Reuben and Dr. Dan for all the lesson i learnt today! thanks for being so kind and so nice (: haha, i guess thats how a doctor must be :p

ward rounds was fun! going to each bed and checking on the patients. i was abit blur when it comes to acronyms and medical terms. GRR, i hate it, i must learn more so i wont be that blur tmr! and my aim is that by friday, i can understand HALF of what they are talking about :p haha, first ward rounds is with dr. reuben. he got flu today, viral infection, cant talk much. haha, so i just watch and see and learn (:

then it was clinics with dr. dan! woo, he is such a good doctor. nice to patients, (nice to me also), and also nice to the sisters. very good rapport with the patients. haha, clinics was interesting, many patients are follow-up, so i cant catch their previous diagnosis. haha, but AGAIN, i cant understand most of the termss!! xD haha, crap im so lousy. the simpler ones i think i know. hmm, irritable bowel syndrome is a common case. hepatitis cases too. there was only one with carcinoma.

after that i went in for their meeting. first was reviewing slides for teaching, done by a registrar. i got the main thing, but when he go to details, my eyes went heavy. after that is the real meeting, my eyes went heavier. hahaha, lucky then dr dan ask me to go up first to wait for him for another ward rounds, this time with him.

went for another rounds with dr dan, and three other medical officers. hmm, i guess medical officers are one rank lower below registrar. issit? UK term senior field officer, US term interns. issit correct? i dont know. one from india, another one from singapore. woah the one from india university talk alot, like he knows alot. haha, most of the result from the checkup are in short terms and im very blur at that. oh, theres one patient with HCC (Hepatocellular carcinoma). scary. but this time the ward rounds are exactly like i imagined! the resident/MO will read the datas, provide their diagnosis, the consultant/attendings will ask questions, prompt them, require them to think, then provide his analysis. its so WOW! great.. ahh, i want to be one of the interns XD haha, at the end, he briefed the MOs, "you must disagree with me, if you only agree, you can only be as good as me." xD haha, seriously i think he is a good doctor! haha, i wish i had spent 6 yrs in med sch alr, and then provide my opinions xD hahahaha.. now, i can only stone and watch :S

THANKS once again to the doctors! haha, now i know that the higher the rank, the nicer they become. some MOs are not friendly at all! they are just MOs! but all the consultants and senior consultants are very very nice. HAH! looking fwd for tmr! its clinics+OT :O oh i cant waitttt! (:

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